John A. DeRosa, Vice President and
a co-founder of Creative Science Solutions, Inc. and a Chemical Engineer,
has over 21 years of combined experience in Research and Development,
manufacturing operations, engineering, project management and facility
operations. This broad experience brings a client’s perspective towards
anticipating and meeting operational and support services needs. During
his career with ARCO Chemical and Lyondell Chemical Companies, John built
a reputation as a leader who motivates people and employs strong problem
solving skills, initiating and spearheading process improvement projects
and cost reduction initiatives.
Just prior to CSS,
Inc., John managed the operations organization for a 1 MM Sq. Ft.
integrated R&D / world headquarters facility. This broadened John’s
experience base in such areas as facility and R&D operations and
maintenance management, utility procurement strategies and management,
construction management and life safety and emergency planning.